My eyelids are falling quickly so tonight I will just share a few unique highlights from a wonderfully full and productive day in the life of the Ghana Health Team.
- Kyle performed a very difficult and complicated dental procedure on a woman a number of years ago. He has seen her in Yaara every year since and always worried that she now has a phobia of going to the dentist. Today she approached his station, pulled out a little black bag and handed him 12 fresh guinea fowl eggs to thank him for helping her all those years ago.
- Sheetal was counselling a patient who was receiving medication for neck pain due to carrying heavy loads on her head. The bowl of water she carries is particularly heavy as she has many children. When Sheetal asked her how many children she replied, “I have 7 children … no … I have 8 children because you are now my child.”
- GBP (general body pain) is an official diagnosis here, as is GOK (God only knows).
- Elena, our student volunteer, pulled her first tooth today. (Note to Shelagh: she is drinking LOTS of water!)
- We learned about a neat “Ghanaian find your phone app” today. When Carol lost her phone in a crowd of hundreds, she simply told one local volunteer and in 20 minutes her phone was in her hand.
- Carlye saw a woman who was 11 months pregant. Recognizing there was a miscommunication she asked her translator to clarify. The corrected answer was that she was 12 months pregnant.
- You know you are desperate when you see doctors wiping their brows with lemon scented Lysol cleaning wipes just to try and get a moment’s relief from the heat while asking one another if we think they are carcinogenic.
- Dr. Sue was thanked and blessed by a woman who she treated for an infection that was preventing her from getting pregnant 2.5 years ago. In her arms was her 2.4 year old daughter and she was due to deliver again soon.
- Toylin had some issues with grounding the new laser and couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Nothing made sense until her volunteer, looking at the situation, asked the patient to take off his shoes which instantly solved the problem. He had small nails holding the sides of his sandal to the soles of his sandals so the machine was grounding itself through him. All is well. No defibrillation required.
- Carlye was counselling a patient with a swollen knee only to hear herself suggest he apply ice to it four times a day.
- We left our photographer Erika in Yaara today (on purpose). She spent the night in the village under David’s supervision so she could take more pictures of life in this remote village of Yaara. For those of you who have not read David’s book, this is the village where David was sent to after his father died. The harsh life and maltreatment he received there forced this boy, at the age of 10, to escape on foot travelling over day through the bush to find his mother. The team was privileged to have a walking tour of the village including a visit to the house he lived in. It was a 8×5 foot room.
- I asked Magdi how many hernias were done today and his response was, “We were too busy to even stop and count!”
- Joan and I had a little 7 year old boy Joshua following us around all day. Joan is his Canadian grandmother and I am his Canadian mother because, like Elvis, we saved him from severe pneumonia in 2009.
2009: Dr. Jennifer with baby Joshua and parents Lydia and Peter.
Oh, and I should mention that Elvis has left the building! - And finally, I was given a very special gift to take home to Canada: my own personal rooster. Graham … please prepare a spot for him!
Until next time!
If you would like to receive these updates by email, please subscribe to the team mailing list.
2015 Health Team Updates
Asantekwaa, Nov 11
Nyamboi, Nov 10
Carpenter, Nov 9
Carpenter, Nov 8
Accra, Nov 7
Toronto, Nov 6
Karen Balko says
Dear Team Ghana
Tears come to my eyes reading your stories of life, death, and healing. I am so proud of my colleagues Dr. Bill, Kim, Angie, Sheetal and Tom. May God bless you all, keep you safe and bring you back to us whole, happy and filled with purpose. I am sure that this experience of touching lives will have lifelong impact on you, as well as all of those people you have helped with all your heart.
Sandy Holmes says
Thank you for the regular updates, they are very inspiring . We rejoice in the work that GOD is doing through you there in Northern Ghana. We are sending prayers and well wishes.Warmest regards to the entire team and specifically to Nurse Joan, the Mensah family and our friends:Doctor Norman and Doctor Toylin: From the ‘Holmes Homestead ‘in Markham, ON.
Jas says
Hello all,
Asante Sana for all your work, Sheetal we miss you but are very happy with all that you are doing. Can’t wait to see you home. Say wussup to my peeps.
Liz barnes says
Dear Dr Jo
You are all inspirational ! Have seen elsa and char and all well – can’t believe how adept chat is on his crutches !
Keep doing your amazing work – and can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back
Love from bets and all the barnes family xxx
GRID says
A huge congratulations from all of us on your engagement, Laura!
Lynnita, on behalf of GRID and the Ghana Health Team
Laura Fockler says
So thankful to hear all of the wonderful stories and updates on this blog. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you continue to be God’s hands and feet in Ghana.
If you could please pass a message to my mom (Susan Fockler) and tell her that her daughter is engaged!
Many Blessings
Jill says
I am enjoying reading your daily update– what an inspiring experience for everyone involved. Hope everyone is well and we look forward to having you all home safe and sound!
Jenn- love the rooster!
Carlye- ice!! Lol
Sue Johnson says
Just wanted to say it’s lovely to get the updates
You are all yet again doing a brilliant job. Missing being there again with you all
Keep up the excellent work Jennifer Magdi and teams
Love to all
Sue Johnson
Sandra Stark says
Hi Carlye and Erika;
Just read all of the blog posts. Sure gives one perspective and is very inspiring. We are thinking about you back here. Your compassion, backed by action, moves us. Love to all.
Sandra, Dane and Peter.
Francesco says
This post is amazing, so many things, you guys are doing great things and should be proud of it!
Irena Rambi says
Bonjour à tous
je suis très émue de lire tous les jours vos messages et de voir le travail énorme que vous faites tous au Ghana. C’est vraiment formidable. On lit vos messages en famille et nous sommes fiers qu’Eni fasse partie de votre excellente équipe.
Bon courage à vous tous
Grands bisous à Eni
Stuart Logan says
Hi Kat,
Very proud of you. It sounds like everyone is doing an amazing job out there. Keep it up.
For everyone from the UK, you are missing cold thunderous weather. I bet you’re all gutted.
Lots of love
p.s. We closed.
Rob Hicks says
A short note from Elvis to dr Jo and all the team
When no- one else can understand me, when everything I do is wrong, you give me hope and consolation, you give me strength to carry on …
And you were always ther to lend a hand in everything I do. That’s the wonder, the wonder of you
Long live Elvis and all the others who are lucky enough to benefit from all the skill and care of the GHT and the op hernia team
Fabulous blog Jennifer
New yam recipe to try – glazed with a brown sugar, ginger, cinnamon, orange sauce.xx
Elsa Hicks says
I miss you mum
Hope you are having a fantastic time
Keep saving lives xx
Elsa x
Sharon Omotani-Newton says
Enjoying the daily blogs – the stories and experiences are amazing! What an extraordinary team! We are very proud of all the hard work and dedication and it is an inspiration to all. Looking forward to hearing all the stories when you get back. Keep up the good work – wishing you all a safe and healthy next week.
A special hug and kiss to Dr. Bill!
Sharon, Ethan and Hailey
Chris, Besa & Vasil says
Thank you Jennifer for the Friday highlights of a successful week, we feel so close with all of you. As we look forward to hearing from you next week we wish everybody a happy, restful and safe weekend
Huge bear-hug to mom from Chris 🙂
… for it is in giving that we receive
Endra says
Thank you Jennifer for this wonderful blog… you really capture the events well… makes us wish we were there:)
May The Lord multiply the work of the team’s hands and use each of you mightily as you serve the people of Northern Ghana.
Toylin and Norman we miss and love you… love to the Mensahs, to the team and to Gene who I’m sure is enthralled by all that’s going on
Blessings to each of the you
Musewe family
Donna says
Thank you for the update on the woman with the 2.4 year old child and again pregnant. How wonderful. I heard about her story Thursday at a Food Bank meeting. The awesome work that your team is doing continues to be shared. May God continue to strengthen you.
Gary and Elenor Paisley says
Thank you Dr. Jen for your faithful posts, done even when ‘eyelids are falling quickly’. Whenever Gary sees me at the computer or with my Kobo, the repeated question is ‘ Anything from GRID?’. If the answer is yes, he’s off to his iPad to read it for himself. My reading to him is obviously not acceptable!
We pray daily for you and your team, as you face so many unexpected challenges with each new day.
We’re doing well here. Heartfelt thanks Dr. Jen.
Amy Howran says
Amazing work guys! You truly are an inspiration to us all. Keep us the great work and stay safe. Can’t wait to hear all your stories when you return!
Maryann says
I love hearing the stories :). They always make me laugh and cry.
Heather says
Look forward to your update each morning. Wow! So many great things happening!
Dale says
So wonderful to hear all of the updates and the stories of your work both heart wrenching, rewarding and funny. You are in the middle of the clinics by now and I’m sure some are exhausted, sick and maybe even feel overwhelmed by all you have experienced. I am praying that you will have renewed strength and energy for the days ahead and know that what you are doing is making a difference in ways you may not even fathom.
Shout out to:
Joan ~ thinking of you so much as you lead the nurses, I’m with you in spirit!
Uxbridge Health Centre friends, Jenn, Carlye, Michael – miss you around work and can’t wait to hear more stories when you get back