It has been more than three weeks since returning home from Ghana. The transition home is always rich with a variety of emotions as I process all that took place and try and share that with loved ones and colleagues. There are so many wonderful memories that I just want to seal in my heart so that the busyness of life doesn’t crowd them out and cause me to forget.
I heard from Brenda last week that everywhere they go, they receive reports on how healing has come to so many. My favorite report is from James Afoi, who looks after NEA’s chickens. He reported to the entire NEA staff that, after receiving treatment from our team, he can work like when he was a young man. And he can see his flock so much better thanks to a visit to the eye team.
But I must report on the phone call I had with two very excited individuals last week. David and Brenda Mensah have received one of the most prestigious awards in the country. They are the Laureates of Ghana’s Millennium Excellence Award for Peace and spent an evening at a black tie event with the Asantehene (Ashanti King) and many of Ghana’s dignitaries to celebrate this unbelievable achievement!
So as I continue process our mission, the phrase “Peace on Earth” is ringing in my heart. It is a special mystery to me why so many of us have been brought into partnership with this incredible organization called NEA, whose development work has now been recognized in the highest way by their country. At this time of year, as we reflect on the birth of Christ, who himself came to bring “Peace on Earth,” my heart is full of gratitude. At a time in history when there is so much unrest and so much evil, I’m grateful for the opportunity to partner with so many friends and supporters like you who want to use their time, skills and resources to bring a little bit of peace to a group of people in Ghana who suffer so much.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and may God himself help us to continue to be agents of peace in our homes, in our communities and around the world.