Prosper shared with us from 2 Samuel 6:22 and observed that in choosing to follow the Lord, others may think that we are foolish. Like a Ghanaian pastor choosing to leave the comforts of his home town in order to share the good news in villages. Like David Mensah leaving great opportunities in Canada and returning to serve his people in Ghana. Like the team traveling to Ghana, not to enjoy the waterfalls and the wildlife preserve, but to lift blocks. In the end it all glorifies your Maker, sweating and lifting blocks for the glory of God will be rewarded one day. All in the name of the Lord.
Pastor Peter shared with us a story of a woman whose motorized tri-cycle broke down yesterday, and she chose to walk into the nearby village. Shortly afterwards, a vehicle struck it. She is praising the Lord, as getting off when she did may have saved her life. Praise be the name of the Lord!
On our first day of teaching, Malissa shared that she had been praying for a long while that God would match up the right volunteer with the right Carpenter and EPS teachers, perfect partners. That we would be exactly what God created one for the other. After our second day in the schools, we have seen God answer that prayer, more than we could ever hope for. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Donna was seen working later than the rest to prepare her lessons for tomorrow, and yet she took time to read to the children outside the training center doors when they asked if she could read them a book before she headed out for dinner, all in the name of the love of the Lord.
Dave reported that the build team started their day in preparation for the arrival of the dump trucks by being road builders as they moved materials and filled in three trenches to allow the trucks access. By lunch, the masons moved on to other work areas as they laid as many blocks as they could before more footing work is complete. Concrete for the footings was moved by “the bucket brigade,” a formation of many human chains. Several wheelbarrows required repair as they broke down keeping with the flow that Dave estimated to be equivalent to as many as 4-5 concrete truck loads just today! All in the name of our great and mighty Lord.
Soale asked to speak to us after our dinner tonight. He wanted us to know about the impact that our presence has made, the lessons our actions have taught.
By God’s grace, all in the name of the Lord.
Jeannie says
Thank you for the update. We are continuing to pray for strength and good health for everyone.
Martin and Caro-Claire Wiles says
Hello to all
We are reading these posts with love and amazement and want you to know that you are all in our prayers for daily strength and safety as you work and minister in other various ways
Love and blessings from Caro-Claire and Martin in Orillia
Lori-Ann Leigh says
Really look forward to the update popping up in my email every morning. So enjoying the updates and pictures. Today my devotional was about sacrifice and I reflected on the sacrifice you have all made to share God’s love with others! Continuing to pray!
Tell Adam that Eddie is taking his job of protecting me very seriously and Sadie insists on keeping me company at night. Sending my love! <3 Lori-Ann
Momma/G-Rams/Ollie says
Wonderful blogs and pictures, Kim. Keep up the good work!
It’s great to have a recap of the devotionals and words of challenge you are given each morning. The love in your hearts is definitely evident in each picture.
What a beautiful sunrise, how adorable the school children are and fantastic to see the action and team work in the Block Brigade video.
Hi Craig and Isaac. Can’t wait to hear all your stories when you return!
Ryan, Grace, Jordan and Jackie van den Heuvel says
We are so thankful for these posts, Kim. It is wonderful to read these updates and see the amazing photos. Love to all of you.