At the dawning of this new day, we celebrated Steve S’s birthday and Brad and Brittany’s 5th Anniversary. Steve shared how special it was to celebrate his birthday with us here, seeing David and Brenda in a place he has heard about for over 30 years, and witnessing all that has and is being done, is overwhelming. At devotions, the Ghanaians said a prayer for Brad and Brittany and their marriage, an anniversary not quickly forgotten.
Pastor Craig delivered a super charged message at devotions this morning, Acts 2:1-4…it was a new day. The promise of God was now on all people, men and women alike to put everything forward for their God. As the disciples gathered to celebrate the giving of the covenant, they broke out from under the law, filled with the Spirit. The best building project ever, the building of the Church. All man-made buildings will eventually fall, but what God builds will last forever. How can you not be filled with joy? We are God’s children and he wants to pour His Spirit into us, and we need to grow, to grow up in this truth. Know…Grow…Go!
Lynne made a special visit to the Carpenter School this morning, taking class and student pictures. These class pictures will be a special gift to the teachers on our last day in class, and the individual student pictures are being printed and given to each student with a note of blessing written on each of them. Gretchen was inspired when she sat to teach her class about Zacchaeus, how Jesus knew his name although he had not met him before. She emphasized to each child in her class how God knows each of their names. Our topic of the day was “Honesty” and Steve G’s idea of using play pirate coins as a great prop to act out an example of honesty was of great success. Brittany was recognized by Adam for her outstanding progress from a nervous kindergarten teacher to a confident and creative one.
Incredibly, Justen and Isaac had still had enough energy after a long work day to join Pastor Gabriel and others for an hour of football (our soccer) before dinner.
Dave reported that today’s theme for the build site was “Down in the Trenches.” This past week has been all about the foundations being set. Coming together with NEA builder Thomas, an efficient plan was set in place and the expectation is that by Tuesday, floors will start being poured.
Aaron, in NEA overalls, joined NEA’s mechanic Jackie in maintaining and fixing wheelbarrows, bulldozers, and trucks. Together they accomplished a lot and enjoyed driving the bulldozer around once they were done.
Mira has been hard at work in the (air conditioned) training centre all week. She has been working on the landscape plans for the hospital. She has also had additional productive tours of the hospital with Brenda, and with NEA staff members as she studies the plants here at the compound.
David Mensah shared with us that the NEA build team has found our team “stronger than we look.” (Perspective. Tender People who are Super Strong.)
Our day ended with an inspirational presentation of the Layaata Ane Project by Mumuni, Prosper, Mary, Rachel and John. Our eyes were opened to the amazing impact this program is having on 160 villages in educating adolescents and decreasing infant death rates. It truly is amazing what God can do when we know, grow and go!

Shirley says
It is so wonderful seeing the work that is being done.
It is amazing that there is so many hard working people.
It is always easier with a team that is the Lord’s
Hi, Craig and Isaac.
Hope you are feeling better, Isaac.
Enjoy seeing the pictures and it makes it so much nicer when
you know the people in the pictures.
God Bless
Regards Shirley
Lori Campbell says
Happy, Happy Birthday Steve! Give your wife a hug for me!!!
Ron Evans says
—-thought I heard Esther Weavers say: ” don’t panic, ……just call my mechanic!”
Love and Prayers to Aaron and all!!
Steph says
Thanks for these incredible updates, Kim…it feels like we’re experiencing things right alongside you…without the extreme heat and fatigue, but definitely with smiles on!! 5 years for Britt and Brad…so beautiful!! And Steve, I don’t know you, but we share experiencing a birthday in Ghana…mine was in 2000…Happy Birthday!! I could see the passion in Craig’s face as he shared the devo…a dream come true to be there involved in the work in Northern Ghana! Know that we are praying for all of you as you bless and are blessed!
Martin and Caro-Claire Wiles says
It is very exciting and impressive to read these daily updates and to hear how his being accomplished by the team in their various roles.
Happy birthday to Steve S,
Happy 5th anniversary to Brittany and Brad and
And a shout out to Pastor Craig from “Mr. Martin and Mrs. Caro”!
We sure go back a LONG WAY!
Prayers will continue to be with all from the Wiles in Orillia.
Lauren Waterford says
I’m so glad to be able to see these amazing updates! You all are doing an incredible work of kindness! Can’t wait to see more:)
April Williams says
I love reading these updates. Thank you all for being so willing to wake up with a kind and giving heart each day.
Agnes Lobbezoo says
Amazing work is being done! Impressive and amazing, knowing how many truck loads and wheelbarrows were emptied every day. Blessings to all of you working so hard. And for playing with the children!