Today was one of those days that is hard to put into words so I will let the pictures tell the story of the health care that was delivered on the NEA compound. The only station I “forgot” to visit was the eye clinic and that might have something to do with the fact that temperatures rose to 45 degrees in there today.
I’m told that the little girl we prayed for with cerebral malaria last week was seen running around the grounds today. As she played, two other kids were on their way to the hospital as their care exceeded what we could provide. One had complications from a snake bite and the other was in a sickle cell crisis. Our colleagues at that hospital were alerted and prepared for their arrival.
Despite a record number of cases that included 11 children and an add-on emergency, the surgical and anaesthetic team beat the medical team to dinner for the first time in history. They are amazing!
It was a very long and challenging day for every single team member, but together we accomplished our objectives and are in great spirits. There was much joy and much laughter when we finally gathered for dinner well after 7:00 pm.
We can hardly believe that tomorrow is our last clinic day and look forward to doing everything we can to ensure that together, we finish strong, finish well, and give our best the to people of Ghana.

This post is one in a series of Ghana Health Team 2018 Updates. You can subscribe to receive these updates by email.
Kathy Salmon says
Well done team from us all at Full Support healthcare
Simon Hale says
45 degrees!!!! More like – 4.5 degrees here!!!! Amazing to hear about the little girl with cerebral malaria who can now be seen dancing around the grounds! It’s so heartwarming to hear the individual stories of the lives you have transformed and saved in Ghana. So utterly professional of you all not to lose your heads at the sight of the huge crowds, the heat or the scorpions….
I hope you all have an equally rewarding and incredible last day in Ghana today. Big love to you all but especially Rebecca Bex Jones who I spy in the surgery picture. I’m so, so proud of you. But very much looking forward to you coming home now. See you Sunday yar
paul hurlburt says
Well done faithful servants. Travel safely home. I would like to especially thank my wife Marion for all her efforts. Quiet, unassuming, humble and compassionate in all she does not just for this team but for everyone else she can help also. She has attended all but one GHT. That year the former nurse was home with our son whom had just had one of his 5 back surgeries. However she still helped out with preparing the glasses and organizing the eye team, the things she continues to do every year. She spends hundreds of hours every year; organizing people to wash glasses ( or doing it herself ), then she measures every pair, then places them in plastic bags, then coordinates their inputing into the data base, and never stops working for this team. Never in the spotlight, always quietly working in the background.
I love you very much, see you soon !
mary bristow says
Well done team! You persevered and completed the race with love and dedication! You have touched lives and saved lives. Thank you so much Jenn for your daily blogs–they were eagerly anticipated, helped us to better comprehend the challenges you were facing, and served to put our minds at rest. Will be praying for you all as you pack up and travel to your perspective homes. Big hug to Megan!
Jennifer Harper says
Well done!
Nice to see my sister Martha in action.
Safe travels home.
Only -18 in Ottawa.
Holy guacamole!
Love Jennifer
Ian Gayton says
Your last day! Time has flown but so much achieved, so many lives touched. So many memories to share and reflect on, of your work there and those helped, of friendships renewed and new ones made and a sadness in those who will not be able to return next year.
You can be proud, as we are of you, of your quiet dignity, respect and care for others, in your unremitting determination to help those in need, those who are desperate.
You return to the continuation or your world, your lives and those around you but walk tall for you have done what we didn’t. Bless you all and a safe journey.
Ashley’s Dad
Brian feddery says
A wonderful two weeks for everyone in Ghana, and thanks to Dr Jenn, back home as well. The blogs are incredible, it’s like we are all there with you. One more hurdle to leap…..the journey home. May you all be safe, and get to wherever you call home. Hurry home Lovey!!
Charlie Hicks says
Huge well done to the whole team. Big love and a big shoutout to Mr Rob. Sounds like the surgical team are doing brilliantly. One more day, I hope the ‘knackered’ team can give it one last push. And Dr Dave, I want to hear more about this touchdown when you get back.
Love Charlie
Charlie Hicks says
Huge well done to the whole team. Big love and a big shoutout to Mr Rob. It sounds like the surgical team have been doing great. One last day- hope the “knackered” team can give it one last push. And Dr Dave, I want to hear more about this “big touchdown” when you get back!
Love Charlie
Anthony Shearing says
I can’t believe you have a crowd like that waiting for you every morning. It’s unbelievable that you can care for that many people. Just imagine how big that crowd would be if you could assemble all the patients you have see this year in one place. While you are all doing this amazing work we are looking forward to having you back in Canada, especially Helen!! Looking forward to Sunday.
Jonah Baker says
I love you, people, you are the best and love the Super Doctors!
Susan says
Thanks for sending pics of our Pharmacy colleagues – I miss you so much! (but not standing on a concrete floor or the heat).
‘Praying that your last clinic and PID day will go smoothly!
Hugs to my ex-roomate and special friend Joan!
Love Susan
Sarah says
Please say hello and well done to Ashley and Dr Karen. I am loving reading the posts every day. Well done everyone! ??????
Edythe and Nancy says
“Well done, thou great and faithful servant” –Congratulations to each one of you on the Team. You have accomplished Amazing results in such a short period of time. The blogs have been so very informative and the pictures are super. What a lovely picture of you to-day Martha. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Thanks to all on the Team for your skills, compassion and dedication. Will be praying for your safe journey home.
Love–Edythe and Nancy
Lindsay Cressey says
Thinking of you all as you finish an incredible job- it’s been amazing to read of the achievements every day . Thank you for the daily blog ! Can’t wait to have Dr David home on Sunday . Love from the Cresseys x
Brittany Jones says
Hi Kim (Lawson)! A big hello to you from everyone here at home and at work! Joe says that he loves seeing you SHINE in your role; you’re operating within your gifting and it’s beautiful to see. Sending hugs and looking forward to giving more hugs in person soon! – Brittany, Katie, Joe & the LHI Team
Martin and Caro-Claire Wiles says
Another amazing report of your days activities and especially loved all the pictures of the various stations and staff .
We too cannot believe that you’re heading into the last days there and it is never easy to say those farewells, but you know that your families at home will have out the welcome mats for all of you ,
Prayers continue to be with you in these final hours of service and as you say good byes to all the people there.
Much love from the Wiles in Orillia xoxo
Wow Time sure does go by fast. Safe journey home and hi to all the team. God Bless!!!
Tom and julie Eustace says
Congratulations on a successful mission. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences through your blog. We looked forward to them each morning. Safe travels home.
See back you back in the hood Leslie.
Andrea Baynton says
Wonderful photos of Carpenter and what an amazing day. I am so glad to hear about the child with cerebral malaria is doing so well. What an awesome team of medical personnel that helps all the patients. I can’t thank you all for the work you are doing every day.
Susan Duckett says
Congratulations on surviving blistering heat, fire ants, lack of sleep and privacy, logistical nightmares, and overwhelming demands of your time and energy for the past two weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blogs and pictures. That too is an act of love. You have not only impacted the lives of Ghanaians but our lives too, as we see what LOVE in action looks like. With God’s help you are all miracle workers.
Karen Ingram says
Good Morning from chilly Muskoka -24 degrees with the windchill. Burr. No comparison to the extreme heat and humidity you are working in …..
I am in awe of your team and all they have accomplished in such a short time .
Heaven sent Angels that have touched the lives of so many!!
Know that you have all made a difference.
There is a special place in heaven for all of you.
Safe travels .
Meagan Olson says
Truly amazing! We are so happy to hear the little girl we prayed for has been healed and is running around! That news is pure joy to the soul! We will pray for the two other children who were placed in the care of the hospital. The pictures are amazing and so moving to see the care and compassion in everyone’s eyes.
We join you in praying that you finish strong.
God bless the work of your hands.
With love,
Liz Jones says
Great blog as usual – loved the photos – I think I spotted Becky in theatre. Enjoy your last few days and safe journey home 2 all u amazing volunteers. U have made us all so proud. God bless.
Hesther Luinstra says
It’s with great interest that I read your daily updates.
These anecdotes, I suggest should be published , it could be a great future Fundraiser!
Title?? :”God’s daily miracles in Lives,Love and Laughter..thru GHT strong !”
Blessings, wishing you all a safe trip home.
Caitlin Skerratt says
I can’t believe that, as I write this, the team is beginning the long task of packing everything up to return home. Two weeks of intense hard work and lives changed forever. You have all accomplished something great, something that will outlive your two week stay for lifetimes. Mom and Charlie, I can’t wait to hear your stories when I’m home for Xmas. I hope you’ve taken photos for me! Lots of love to everyone, and wishing you safe travels back to your homes. Xoxoxo.
Hesther Luinstra says
It’s with great interest that I read your daily updates, these anecdotes,I suggest,should be
published. It could be a great future Fundraiser !
Title?? : “God’daily miracles in Lives, Love and Laughter…thru GHT strong !”
Keep up the good work!
Blessings to you all,
Bruce Cleland says
Reading your post each morning has been no less than awe-inspiring.
To accomplish what you folks do, enduring the conditions and heat – always with a smile!
We are proud to have been a part of this in a small way. We are in the USA right now and today is their Thanksgiving. Thanks to all of you it takes on a whole new meaning.
Safe Travels Dan, Barb and the whole team.
Bruce & Wendy
Christine Harding says
The photos were so enjoyed. Thank you Jenny. A Hi to our Jessica. Thank you all, 2018 Health Team for making a difference in so many lives, especially, the eleven children. I am making a copy of Jo Hicks message and it’s going on the refrigerator. Mom and Dad
Sam Zeidler says
And safe travels to the lot of u, hopefully no break downs this year.
Sam Zeidler says
Last day, looking forward to having a Dr. Anne home for a Sunday lunch and then family games infront of a fire. Every patient counts so keep going, and at the end of the day, incredibly well done.
Ruth Patterson says
Bravo and congratulations to the whole team for another successful medical mission! It is obvious from the pictures that you have touched so many lives, and despite the heat, everyone is still smiling! Special shout out to Dr. Andy from Stouffville-“Your snow tires are on your car-you will need them here!
Kim Narduzzi says
Wonderful blogs and pictures Jennifer and team! I feel I am there once again right beside you.
Thank you all for the continued successful efforts in helping the people in Carpenter and beyond!
Kim Narduzzi RN
Trevor Smith says
Fantastic pictures. I do hope Jane and the rest of the eye team managed to cool down eventually. She will be happy to know that it’s minus 14 this morning in Uxbridge!!
Paulne Pankewich says
Safe travels home after an amazing couple of weeks. Temperatures should be above 0 Celsius when you arrive back in Toronto(-11 Celsius this morning!!!!!)
Carolyn Dempster says
Hello! It is negative 19 this morning in Uxbridge….it’s hard to picture it being 45 degrees anywhere! We have loved reading all the posts and seeing the awesome team in the photos.
Hel, we’re thinking about you all the time. We can’t wait to hear more. Give our love to Tookie. Anna and Will say hi to Jess.
love Carolyn
Ellie Smith says
45 degrees!! That is warmer than on the boats in Greece at the height of summer… Hoping the evening was much cooler to help with a good night’s sleep. Mum, get ready for what I believe is some rather cold weather for November in Canada. Apparently -21 with the wind chill.
Enjoy the final days, sending you lots of love. Ellie xxx
Tiara Folkes says
I loved the pictures today. They tell a story and are incredibly heartwarming.
Jane May says
Incredible. Not many people have had the opportunity to work under a mango or a kapok tree!
So exciting to read the blog everyday! Safe travels home to all. So proud of my sister Anna, one of the nurses.
Elsa Hicks says
Well done team! I am so proud of you all and I hope you had an amazing hot day.
Congratulations on these past 2 weeks and all the organisation building up to the trip and I hope you have an amazing last day and have a safe trip home. See you on saturday dada xx
jo Hicks says
Terrific photos of Carpenter on the blog!
Really can’t believe it’s your last day
Last case (kiss) in theatre
Last chance to hand out those sunglasses -Dr Anne
Last emergency in theatre and last Fulani tribe to arrive at 4.30-all 30 of them.
As you pack up tomorrow you can reflect on a great job very well done !
So many people healed, many lives improved and many lives saved.
I think of the hospital programme and what this will achieve for the deserving people of Northern Ghana. So UK team strengthen yourself for some major fund raising when you get back -The Jazz Night-Katie and that plane ?…..
Can I leave with some words from the King …
There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If I can dream of a better land
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand
Tell me why can’t my dream come true ?
There must be peace and understanding sometime
Strong winds of promise that will blow away doubt and fear
If I can dream of a warmer sun
Where hope keeps shining on everyone
Tell me when will that sun appear. ?
You are making a lasting difference
Lots of love to you all
Jo xx
PS -Pete it’s below zero this morning so make the most of the heat and sun -looking forward to having Dr Rob back home xx
Sean Morrison says
Great post. I love all the pictures! They speak volumes. You are all amazing! Safe travels home.