The Leyaata Ane Project is saving the lives of mothers and newborns at birth in 160 communities in Northern Ghana. “Leyaata” means “Rescue Us” in Mo.

In April 2016, volunteers Dr. Jennifer Wilson and Dr. Carlye Jensen from Uxbridge traveled to Ghana to train 53 health workers in the techniques of infant resuscitation. Once the health workers were certified, they were given the low-tech equipment needed to resuscitate babies on their own.
Edith-Maud, a nurse in a small health facility, successfully completed the training in April. Soon after the training, an adolescent mother who had lost her husband three months prior, arrived at Edith’s compound to give birth.
When the baby was born, Edith recognized that he was not breathing and was very weak. She used the various steps she had learned in training to clear his airways and stimulate him. When he did not respond, she used the ventilation mask that had been supplied as part of the training. Eventually the baby started to breathe and was able to snuggle with his mother.
Edith joyfully shared, “Without this training, I would not have been able to save this baby. I am now very confident on the job. Thank you!”

This story also appeared in our September 2016 Newsletter.