So much has happened this day that it is hard to capture in words. Through a beautiful display of teamwork, cooperation and generosity the team saw over 500 patients in sweltering heat in the village of Nyamboi.
It was quite a sight to see the headlamps blazing as everyone worked to finish in the pitch black. We thought we were finished when a young boy was carried in after falling from a moving motorbike. Team members worked in the dark to provide emergency care to this little boy who is going to be okay. The village thanked us with a huge pile of yams, a beautiful ram, and a stool (that you sit on) which is a symbol of welcome.
Despite such a busy day the bus ride home was full of animated conversation and it was 9pm when we returned to the compound. The surgical team also had a very busy day operating on 22 patients!
We are packed and ready for our two-day adventure to the very remote village of Yaara where we will sleep over. Yaara is my favorite village and we hear the village is just so excited about our arrival tomorrow. I don’t think we will be able to get a message to you tomorrow but will update as soon as we are back.
Thanks to all our friends and families for your support and prayers!
Until Thursday …
Lynnita says
Thanks for following the team news and for commenting here, Linda.
Just so you’re aware, right now team members don’t have access to the internet. They are able to send us text updates via a mobile device, but, at least for the present, aren’t able to respond directly to questions on this blog.
Linda Szczur says
How is Teresa feeling? Is she ok? Tell her Linda is missing her and thinking about her everyday. Thank you Dr. Jenn.
Shirlene McKay says
Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. Sounds like you are all doing a wonderful job and I am hoping that perhaps the headlight I gave my good friend Teresa came in handy while she worked into the evening. Thank you all for your kindness and travel safe. Missing my good friend Teresa. See you soon.
Caro and Martin says
It is always such a blessing to read your reports and it also gives us some ideas of how to pray for your daily needs.
May God continue to give you all daily strength and may many people be healed because of the love and care for them by your team.
Much love
Heather Wilson says
Travel well Jennifer and team. The roads are difficult but the rewards are great. I will forever be changed by my time in Yaara. We danced for joy and walked through the village. When we left there we were changed. There was a whole new meaning to “thanksgiving” and “gratitude” was redefined for us. Let God’s love abound in your lives.You serve those that He created in His image. Love to you all.
Linda Szczur says
Thank you so much for spreading your special talents, kindness and care all over Africa.
cynthia buckley-crowther says
Hang in there team.Remember to be kind to eachother and don’t let the heat take the wind out of your sails.Just keep smiling and working on improving the lives of others.we are all so proud of you and love this team so much.Sending love to teresa foster from her family.Go get em teres!xox