Dr. Jennifer Wilson, coordinator of the Uxbridge Medical team that is spending two weeks with NEA in Northern Ghana, has confirmed that everyone is safely at the home base in Carpenter.
Their voyage from Toronto to Carpenter went smoothly. Despite having ninety-five bags of medical supplies, each weighing 50 lbs, their check-in at the airport was well-organized and fast. The members reported that once airport security had confirmed that the contents of their luggage matched the description they provided, they were allowed to pass through very quickly. In fact, much of their time with security was spent in sharing their perspectives on the H1N1 virus.
The team is ready to begin work in Carpenter and the surrounding areas today. They are working with an Operation Hernia team from the UK, and already the teams are coordinating very well together.
As the doctors find time and access to technology to send updates, they will be posted here, so check back often.
Please continue to pray for the medical team and supporting staff, particularly for:
- health for the medical team members
- stamina for the medical team and the NEA staff supporting them, as these two weeks are busy and physically exhausting
- strength and health for the patients whom they serve, that their recoveries are quick and uncomplicated
- that residents of the communities in Northern Ghana might know the love of God as a result of this practical service