Thanks to funding support from our donors, NEA is able to provide scholarships to students who need financial assistance to attend secondary or postsecondary education. In 2014, we noticed some interesting changes in our scholarship program.
Fewer Secondary School Scholarships
Why is a decline in the number of secondary school scholarships a sign of success? Because the lower numbers reflect a decreasing need for assistance.
As people are becoming more food secure and financially stable, they are able to provide for their children’s secondary school education. It’s always a special moment when a parent tells us, “This year, I had enough money to send my children to secondary school.”
Gender Equality in Postsecondary Enrolment
In 2014, the number of women who received scholarships for postsecondary education actually exceeded the number of men. This was a first for GRID and NEA, and we see it as a reflection of a much deeper change that is happening in communities. More girls now have access to primary and secondary education, thanks to their families’ increased financial security. Their parents can afford to pay their fees to attend school, and they can afford to have them attend school rather than working for the family’s survival.