We continue to be grateful for the partnership of the Ghana Health Team. Each year for the past five years, Canadian health professionals have volunteered their time to provide health care to some of the poorest people in Northern Ghana.
This team has typically worked alongside of NEA in Ghana in the month of November. However, the planned election in Ghana in late 2012 could complicate their work for them, and so we have moved the date of the next team to April 2013.
For those interested in participating in this team, applications will be posted online in April 2012.
Lynnita says
Judy, you can find more information about the 2013 team here. Hope this helps; please let us know if you have further questions.
Judy Forward says
I was in Kumasi Ghana for the month of May (2012). I volunteered at S.D.A. Hospital and I was an outreach school nurse in the rural areas. I had such a rewarding experience and would love to return to Ghana again to volunteer my time.
I heard about your work from 2 physicians at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital who went on the 2011 medical mission.
Could you send me some more information about the April 2013 mission because I am very interested ?
Thank you so much.
Lynnita says
Dale, they’ll be online later on this evening on our Teams page.
Dale Dawson says
I seem to be having trouble finding the application for the 2013 medical team. Is it available yet?