Women experience a dramatic boost in income when they participate in NEA’s co-op programs.
Before they participate in NEA’s cooperative program, women earn on average $20 per year. But women who participated in the co-operative program earned an average of $360 at their last harvest.
$360 isn’t a lot to earn in a year.? In fact, it’s a little bit less than $1/day, which is the world’s standard for measuring extreme poverty.
But these women are making the most of that income, and they rejoice in the new opportunities that open up for them as a result.? Many are using some of their harvest income to start small businesses that will provide them money year-round.? A lot of them have been able to purchase clothing for themselves, and some have even been able to put tin roofs on their homes.? Many are investing in their children’s education so that they, too, have opportunities for the future.
We rejoice with these women as they see their hard work bringing such benefits to themselves and their families.